Blog/Sexual Health

Male Sexual Health: At what age does a man stop ejaculating

Want to know when a man stops ejaculating? Read on to find out the signs and causes of male sexual problems and how they can be treated

Have you ever wondered what happens to a man’s sexual health as he gets older? One thing that people often talk about is ejaculation. Some people want to know when men may stop ejaculating or when they may notice changes.

In this article, we will look at how male sexual health changes as men age and how it can affect ejaculation. We will discuss the physical changes that happen with age and why ejaculation might change. We will also provide insights into what men can expect as they get older. So, if you want to learn more about how male sexual health changes with age, keep reading to better understand this normal part of the male body.

Male Sexual Health: How Ejaculation Works

Ejaculation is an important part of the male reproductive system. It is the process of releasing sperm. During sexual intercourse, ejaculation happens, and it feels good. But let’s take a closer look at how it happens.

How ejaculation works

The process of ejaculation starts in the seminal vesicles, which are glands inside the male reproductive system. These glands produce fluid that makes up most of the semen. The semen then travels through the ejaculatory ducts to the urethra, where it leaves the body.

Ejaculation happens because of rhythmic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. As sexual excitement increases, these muscles start to contract, which pushes out the semen.

Hormones and ejaculation

Hormones also play a big role in ejaculation. Testosterone, a hormone made in the testicles, is important for developing male reproductive organs and sperm production. It also helps with getting and keeping an erection.

Other hormones, like dopamine and serotonin, help regulate the timing and intensity of ejaculation. If these hormones are imbalanced, it can lead to problems with getting or keeping an erection and other sexual issues.

Factors that can affect ejaculation

There are things that can interfere with ejaculation. Nerve damage or spinal cord injuries can make it hard to ejaculate. Certain medications and hormonal imbalances can also affect how ejaculation happens.

Mental and emotional factors, like anxiety or feeling pressure to perform, can also have an impact on ejaculation. With more experience and practice, some men can learn to control their ejaculation.

The Aging Male Body and Ejaculation Changes

As men get older, there are some normal changes that can affect ejaculation. These changes happen because of lower testosterone levels and getting older in general. Some common changes include:

Lower testosterone levels:

Testosterone is a hormone that men have less of as they age. This can make them have less interest in sex and might affect ejaculation.

Weaker muscles in the pelvic area:

The muscles that help control ejaculation can get weaker as men get older. This might lead to less force during ejaculation and might affect how satisfied men feel sexual.

Less semen production:

Getting older can mean producing less fluid, which helps with ejaculation. This can lead to less volume of ejaculation. This decrease in volume is normal as men age.

How age affects how often and how much men ejaculate:

As men age, there can be changes in how often and how much they ejaculate. These changes are normal, but they can vary from person to person. Some men might ejaculate less frequently because they have less interest in sex or because of physical conditions. Similarly, the volume of ejaculate might gradually decrease because there is less fluid being produced.

Talking about ejaculation conditions related to age, like retrograde ejaculation:

Retrograde ejaculation is an ejaculation condition that can happen as men get older. It is when semen goes back into the bladder instead of coming out through the penis during ejaculation. This can be caused by weaker muscles in the neck of the bladder or a problem with a muscle called the sphincter. Signs of retrograde ejaculation include less force during ejaculation, less or no semen coming out, and cloudy urine after sex.

Health Factors Affecting Ejaculation

There are certain medical conditions that can have an impact on ejaculation. Here are some examples:

Prostate issues:

Conditions like prostatitis (inflamed prostate), benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), or prostate cancer can make it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection, decrease ejaculate volume, or cause painful ejaculation.


Uncontrolled diabetes can damage nerves and blood vessels needed for normal sexual function. This can result in difficulties getting or keeping an erection, delayed ejaculation, or semen going into the bladder instead of coming out during ejaculation.

Neurological disorders:

Conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or spinal cord injuries can affect the communication between the brain and the nerves that control ejaculation. This can cause delayed ejaculation or the inability to ejaculate.

Medications that may affect ejaculation patterns

Certain medications can have an impact on ejaculation patterns. Some examples include:


Some antidepressant medications can have sexual side effects, such as delayed ejaculation or the inability to reach orgasm. This can change how ejaculation happens.


These medications, often used for high blood pressure or prostate enlargement, may cause semen to go into the bladder instead of being released through the penis during ejaculation.

Hormonal medications:

Certain hormonal medications used to treat prostate cancer can interfere with normal ejaculation, leading to decreased ejaculate volume or problems with ejaculation.

Psychological Factors and Ejaculation

Feeling anxious or stressed about sex can affect a person’s ability to ejaculate. This is called performance anxiety. Here’s how it can affect ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation:

Performance anxiety can make a person ejaculate sooner than they want to. They might worry about satisfying their partner or feeling pressure to perform, which can lead to early ejaculation.

Delayed ejaculation:

On the other hand, performance anxiety can also delay ejaculation. When a person feels anxious and pressured to perform perfectly, it can be hard to reach orgasm and ejaculate.

Erectile dysfunction:

Performance anxiety can also contribute to erectile dysfunction, which can affect ejaculation. If a person is worried about getting or keeping an erection, it can affect how they ejaculate.

To improve sexual satisfaction and function, it’s important to address performance anxiety. Openly talking with a partner, seeking therapy or counseling, and using relaxation techniques can help manage performance anxiety and support healthier ejaculation.

Emotional and psychological effects of aging on sexual function

As people get older, their emotions and mental well-being can affect their sexual function, including ejaculation. Here are a few ways aging can impact ejaculation:

Self-esteem and body image:

Aging can bring changes in appearance or physical abilities, affecting how a person feels about themselves. Negative feelings about oneself can impact sexual confidence and influence ejaculation.

Relationship dynamics:

Over time, relationships can go through changes and challenges. Emotional factors like stress, conflicts, or less intimacy can affect sexual satisfaction and ejaculation.

Mental health conditions:

Older people have a higher risk of mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. These conditions can affect sexual desire, arousal, and ejaculation.

Medication side effects:

With age, people may need medications for different health issues. Some medications can have sexual side effects, like difficulty getting or keeping an erection, delayed ejaculation, or changes in ejaculate volume.

It’s important to prioritize emotional well-being and seek support if needed. Talking openly with a partner, discussing concerns with a healthcare professional, and finding ways to manage stress can help maintain a healthy sexual function and ejaculation as one gets older.

Sexual Health Management

As individuals age, they may experience changes or conditions that affect their ejaculation. Here are some treatment options for age-related ejaculation changes or conditions:

Counseling or therapy:

Seeking therapy or counseling can be beneficial for addressing underlying psychological factors that may impact ejaculation. A mental health professional can help individuals manage stress, performance anxiety, or relationship issues that may be contributing to changes in ejaculation.

Hormone therapy:

In certain cases, hormone therapy may be recommended to address hormonal imbalances that can impact ejaculation. Testosterone replacement therapy, for instance, may be suggested for individuals with low testosterone levels.

Behavioral techniques:

Techniques such as the stop-start or squeeze techniques may be utilized to manage premature ejaculation. These techniques involve pausing sexual activity when nearing climax or applying pressure to the base of the penis to delay ejaculation.

Lifestyle changes that can help maintain sexual health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall sexual health and well-being. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help promote sexual health:

Regular exercise:

Making regular physical activity a part of your routine can have numerous benefits for your overall health, including your sexual function. Engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week can help improve blood circulation, boost your energy levels, and enhance your sexual function. So, make time for physical activity and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.

Balanced diet:

Consuming a balanced diet that includes ample amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can play a substantial role in supporting your sexual health. Additionally, some specific foods, like those high in antioxidants or omega-3 fatty acids, may offer unique benefits for sexual health. Therefore, make sure to pay attention to your diet and include a variety of these nutrient-rich foods for optimal sexual health.

Stress management:

Experiencing chronic stress can lead to detrimental effects on your sexual health. However, there are different stress-management strategies that you can adopt to reduce stress levels and enhance your sexual function. Engaging in techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can prove useful in reducing stress levels. Therefore, consider adopting these stress-management techniques for a healthier sexual life.

Limit alcohol and tobacco use:

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can negatively affect sexual function. Reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking can have positive impacts on sexual health.

Open communication:

Maintaining open and honest communication with partners about desires, concerns, and preferences can contribute to a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

Erectile dysfunction medicine

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent sexual health condition that affects men and is characterized by difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection. Doctors often prescribe medications like phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors to treat ED effectively. These medications include some widely used ED drugs such as:

Sildenafil (Viagra):

Sildenafil is one of the most well-known ED medications. It enhances blood flow to the penis, helping achieve and sustain an erection.

Tadalafil (Cialis):

Tadalafil is another commonly prescribed ED medication. It has a longer duration of action compared to other ED drugs, allowing for more flexibility in sexual activity.

Vardenafil (Levitra):

Vardenafil is another PDE5 inhibitor, similar to sildenafil and tadalafil. It improves erectile function by increasing blood flow to the penis.


To sum up, male sexual health is an important part of overall well-being. Many things can affect sexual health, like what we eat, how we manage stress, how well we sleep, and how we treat conditions like erectile dysfunction. When it comes to the question of when a man stops ejaculating, there is no set age. It can be different for each person depending on their age, health, lifestyle, and personal situation. If you have any concerns or questions about male sexual health, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional. They can give you personalized advice and guidance.

By Dr. Susan Levy, MD

  • Education: – B.A., Connecticut College, M.A., JFK University Ph.D., Oregon State University
  • Professional Memberships: Society for Behavioral Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Research Areas: My research interests focus on examining motivation for exercise adoption and maintenance, with a particular interest in the role of self-perceptions on exercise behaviors. My research has recently addressed exercise and physical activity patterns of middle-aged and older adults with arthritis. This work has been conducted in collaboration with faculty from the Graduate School of Public Health. I am also interested in measurement issues and statistical designs best suited to the assessment of related constructs.