Blog/Sexual Health

How to tell if a man is taking Viagra

Want to know if a man is taking Viagra? Wondering what the effect of this erectile dysfunction drug is on your sexual experience? Read here

Many people are curious about the effects of Viagra on a man’s sexual experience. By understanding the signs that someone is taking Viagra, we can learn more about how it helps improve sexual performance and satisfaction. Viagra, also known as sildenafil, is a common medication prescribed for erectile dysfunction (ED). In this article, we will explore how Viagra affects a man’s sexual experience and discuss some signs that may indicate if someone is taking the medication. Whether you’re thinking about using Viagra or just curious about its effects on sexual health, keep reading to learn more about how Viagra can enhance the sexual experience.

What is Viagra?

Viagra is a medicine that many men use to treat a problem called erectile dysfunction. This means they have trouble getting or keeping an erection.  The main ingredient in Viagra is a substance called sildenafil citrate, which helps to increase blood flow to the penis. This makes it easier for a man to get an erection when he is sexually aroused.

To take Viagra, men usually swallow a pill about 30 minutes to an hour before they want to have sex. It starts working after about 30 minutes, and the effects can last a few hours. It’s important to remember that Viagra is a prescription medication, which means you need to see a doctor to get it. Based on your needs, the doctor will tell you how much to take and how often.

What are the effects of Viagra on men?

The effects of Viagra on men have been studied a lot. Viagra is a medication that helps with erectile dysfunction when a man has trouble getting or keeping an erection. It has been used to treat this problem since 1998.

Viagra works by targeting an enzyme in the body called PDE5. This enzyme is found in the penis and controls blood flow. When a man is sexually aroused, his body releases a chemical called nitric oxide that makes the muscles in the penis relax and allows more blood to flow in. But for men with erectile dysfunction, the PDE5 enzyme breaks down another chemical called cGMP that helps with blood flow, making it harder to get an erection.

Viagra helps by blocking the PDE5 enzyme, which stops it from breaking down the cGMP chemical. This allows more blood to flow into the penis, making it easier to get and keep an erection. It’s important to remember that Viagra itself doesn’t cause an erection, but it helps the body respond better to sexual stimulation.

How do you know if Viagra is having an effect?

When you take Viagra, you may be wondering how to tell if it’s working. Here are some signs to look out for:

Increased Blood Flow:

One way to know if Viagra works is by experiencing increased blood flow to the penis. This can result in a fuller and firmer erection. If you notice a stronger and more sustained erection than usual, it could be a sign that Viagra is working for you.

Improved Sexual Performance:

Another indication that Viagra is working is an improvement in your sexual performance. If you find that you can achieve and maintain an erection more easily and for a longer period, it suggests that the medication has a positive effect.

Heightened Sensitivity:

Viagra can also enhance sensitivity and pleasure during sexual activity. Many men report heightened sensitivity to touch and improved sexual sensations while using Viagra, which can be a good indicator that the medication is working as intended.

Increased Confidence:

One indirect but significant sign that Viagra is working is increased confidence and self-esteem. Knowing that you have a medication to help with erectile dysfunction can alleviate performance anxiety, leading to a more relaxed and enjoyable sexual experience.

It’s important to note that the effects of Viagra can vary from person to person. Some men may experience the desired effects within 30 minutes to an hour, while others may take longer. Additionally, sexual stimulation is still necessary for Viagra to work effectively. Without sexual arousal, Viagra may not produce the desired results.

If you have any concerns or doubts about the effectiveness of Viagra, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance, adjust the dosage if necessary, or suggest alternative treatments if Viagra is not yielding the desired results.

Remember, Viagra is a prescription medication, and it should only be used under the supervision and guidance of a healthcare professional.

How to tell if a man is taking Viagra

Finding out if a man is taking Viagra can be hard because it’s a private matter that should be respected. However, there are some signs that he might be using it:

Better Sexual Performance:

If a man can get an erection easier and keep it longer, it may mean he’s taking Viagra. But it could also be because of other things like stress or changes in his life.

More Confidence:

Taking Viagra can make a man more confident in his ability to have sex. If you notice him feeling good and being positive about sex, he might be taking it.

Changes in Mood or Behavior:

Men taking Viagra may feel more excited, happy, or relaxed. But even if you notice these changes, it doesn’t automatically mean he’s taking the medication.

Medicine Packaging:

If you see a package of Viagra in a man’s things, it’s a clear sign that he’s using it. Remember to respect his privacy and not go through his belongings without permission.

Talk to Him:

The best way to know if a man is taking Viagra is for him to tell you. If you talk openly and honestly about sex and erectile dysfunction, he might feel comfortable talking to you about it. If he doesn’t want to discuss it, that’s okay, too.

Remember to respect a man’s privacy and not make assumptions or confront him. If he wants to share this information with you, he will do it in his own time.

What to Expect When Your Partner Takes Viagra

If your partner is taking Viagra, here’s what you might expect:

Improved sexual function:

Viagra is commonly used to enhance erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction. If your partner takes Viagra as prescribed, you may notice an improvement in their ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual activity.

Communication and understanding:

To ensure a supportive and understanding environment, it is important to have open communication with your partner regarding their use of Viagra. Please encourage them to share any concerns or questions they may have. This open dialogue can help build a stronger emotional connection and foster a supportive atmosphere.

Planning for timing:

Since Viagra takes some time to take effect, usually around 30 minutes to an hour, you may need to plan your intimate moments accordingly. Remember that sexual stimulation is still necessary for Viagra to work, so finding a balance that works for both of you is essential.

Possible side effects:

Like any medication, Viagra comes with potential side effects. Common ones include headaches, dizziness, flushing, indigestion, and nasal congestion. It’s important to be aware of these possible side effects and support your partner if they experience discomfort. Encourage them to consult their healthcare provider if side effects persist or worsen.

Emotional support:

Using Viagra can have an emotional impact on your partner. They may feel relieved, more confident, or experience other emotions related to their sexual health. Offer emotional support and understanding to help your partner feel more comfortable and connected.

Common Myths about Viagra Effects

There are some common myths and misconceptions about the effects of Viagra, a medication used for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Let’s take a look at a few of these myths:

Viagra boosts sexual desire:

One myth about Viagra is that it can increase a person’s sexual desire. In reality, Viagra does not act as an aphrodisiac and does not enhance sexual stimulation. It focuses solely on facilitating the physical process of achieving and maintaining an erection.


Viagra provides instant erections:

Another myth is that Viagra gives you an immediate erection as soon as you take it. However, Viagra takes around 30 minutes to an hour to take effect. It’s important to note that sexual arousal is still necessary for Viagra to work effectively.

Viagra works for everyone:

It is not true that Viagra works for every person who takes it. The effectiveness of Viagra can vary from person to person. Factors such as underlying health conditions, age, and individual response to the medication can influence its effectiveness.

Viagra is addictive:

Contrary to popular belief, Viagra is not an addictive medication. It does not create a physical dependence or cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly. It is simply a treatment for a specific condition (erectile dysfunction) and does not induce addiction.

Viagra protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs):

Viagra is often mistaken as a form of protection against sexually transmitted infections. However, it does not provide any safeguard against STIs. Its function is solely to assist in achieving an erection.

Viagra enhances male fertility:

There is a myth that Viagra can improve male fertility, but this is not accurate. Viagra helps with erectile dysfunction but does not impact sperm count, quality, or fertility.

Viagra increases sexual stamina:

Many people believe that Viagra can enhance sexual stamina or endurance. However, Viagra does not have an impact on sexual stamina. Its primary function is to facilitate achieving and maintaining an erection, not to increase overall physical endurance.

Viagra leads to permanent penis enlargement:

Viagra does not cause permanent penis enlargement. It enables a temporary improvement in erectile function, allowing for the ability to achieve an erection. Once the effects wear off, the penis returns to its regular size.

Viagra has immediate effects on women:

Viagra is a medication designed for men and has not been proven to affect women’s sexual function significantly. Its effectiveness and safety in women have not been thoroughly studied or approved.

Viagra has no side effects:

While Viagra is generally considered safe, like any medication, it can have potential side effects. Some common side effects may include headache, dizziness, flushing, indigestion, and nasal congestion. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional to understand potential side effects and interactions with other medications.

It’s crucial to debunk these myths and have a clear understanding of the actual effects and limitations of Viagra. If you have any concerns or questions about Viagra or its use, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional.


In conclusion, it can be difficult to know if a man is using Viagra. But it’s important to talk openly with your partner about their sexual experiences. Viagra is a medicine that helps men have better erections during sex. It can also have side effects like headaches, dizziness, flushing, indigestion, and stuffy nose. However, with good understanding, talking openly, and supporting each other, Viagra can make your sex life better and bring you closer to your relationship.

By Dr. Susan Levy, MD

  • Education: – B.A., Connecticut College, M.A., JFK University Ph.D., Oregon State University
  • Professional Memberships: Society for Behavioral Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Research Areas: My research interests focus on examining motivation for exercise adoption and maintenance, with a particular interest in the role of self-perceptions on exercise behaviors. My research has recently addressed exercise and physical activity patterns of middle-aged and older adults with arthritis. This work has been conducted in collaboration with faculty from the Graduate School of Public Health. I am also interested in measurement issues and statistical designs best suited to the assessment of related constructs.